Rabbits, like all pets, should be periodically taken to a veterinarian who can check the animal's health and diagnose any ailments. If you have a pet rabbit but haven't ever taken it to a veterinarian, here's what you can expect at a first appointment.

1. Endure a Noisy Waiting Room

Most veterinarian offices have a single waiting room for all animals that the office treats, and this can create a ruckus if you bring a rabbit into the space. If there are cats or dogs in the waiting room when you bring your rabbit in, they may become antsy and want to go after your pet. The noise of meows and barks, not to mention the presence of a predator, can stress a little bunny.

With a little forethought, however, you can prevent a noisy waiting room from becoming a problem. When you book the appointment, explain to the receptionist that you're concerned about the presence of other animals and ask what can be done to keep your rabbit from having to stay in the same room as cats and dogs.

The receptionist may suggest a space that your rabbit can wait other than the standard waiting room. For example, you might be able to take the bunny straight into an exam room or wait in a spare storage space that doesn't get much use. Alternatively, you might be able to schedule your rabbit's appointment as early in the day as possible. If your rabbit is the first animal that a veterinarian sees, there shouldn't be any other animals in the waiting when you arrive.

2. Fill Out Basic Information

Before the exam itself starts, either a vet tech or the veterinarian will take your rabbit's basic information. The staff will want to know your rabbit's weight and their general vital signs, and the staff will ask you about the animal's medical history.

Many rabbit owners don't know much about their animal's medical history, and there might not be a lot to tell the veterinarian. Even just a few fundamental details can help assess a rabbits health, however. At the very least, be prepared to share your rabbit's approximate age, what food they eat, whether their bathroom habits are regular, and how much you exercise them.

3. Undergo a Medical Exam

After the initial information is recorded, the veterinarian will give your rabbit an actual exam. They'll check the animal's body and functions by feeling and observing the animal. Once the exam is complete, the veterinarian will tell you what they recommend (if anything), answer any questions, and send you and your rabbit home.

To help your rabbit maintain good health, contact a local animal hospital.
