When you have a cat in your house, more than likely they have become like a member of the family. Because of this, you probably do what you can to ensure that they stay healthy and happy, including taking them to the vet for regular checkups.

However, there are times when your furry family member may need immediate assistance. Below are a couple of symptoms that you should never ignore that prompt taking your cat to see a veterinarian right away.

1.  Your Cat's Gums Appear Pale Pink or White

One symptom that should alert you to a serious issue with your cat is when their gums take on a pale pink or white color. Normally, their gums should have a plump, deep pink color, which indicates that there is sufficient blood flow.

However, if the gums lose their color, this discoloration often means a problem with their blood or circulatory system. One issue could be that they experienced some type of trauma which has led to some internal bleeding and blood loss.

If you know that your cat has not been in a situation where they experienced blunt-force trauma, the sudden loss of color in the gums could be from acute anemia or could be a sign that their body is not producing enough red blood cells. Whatever the cause, this symptom needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

2.  Your Cat Starts to Drag One or Both Legs Behind Them

Another symptom that your cat may exhibit when they are in need of an emergency visit to an animal hospital is when they start dragging either one or both of their legs behind them. There are two possible causes for this, both of which require immediate care.

First, your cat may have broken their leg or dislocated their hip. Even if they have not been outside, they may have jumped and landed awkwardly, leading to the injury. With this problem, your cat will usually squall or pull away because of the pain.

Second, it is possible that there is a blood clot that is interfering with the circulation of blood to your cat's lower extremities. This is a very serious issue and needs prompt treatment with blood thinners to help dissolve the clot.

Besides having pale gums and dragging their legs behind them, if your cat starts exhibiting any symptoms that you find alarming, it is better to have a veterinarian examine them as soon as possible than to wait. Find a 24-hour animal hospital in your area that provides emergency services, and take them in immediately so that your feline friend can start receiving prompt treatment if the vet deems it necessary.
